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Custormer Complaint Resolution Process
Calliopée is committed to doing its utmost to respond efficiently to its clients' complaints.
As a client, you will find on this page our Customer Complaint Resolution Process.
1. Complaint Received
1.1 Customers can file their complaints through the following complaint channels:
- Email (
- CRM (clients personal access to "messagerie")
- Visit (Calliopée, Rue de Chantepoulet 10, 1201 Geneva)
- Phone (+41 22 564 20 30)
1.2 Calliopée's Managing partner proceeds to the following steps within 48 hours (2 business days)
- Acknowledge complaint (Email, CRM, Visit, Phone)
- Check the autority of the person making the complaint
- Clarify complaint issues (Email, CRM, Visit, Phone)
- Clarify outcome sought (Email, CRM, Visit, Phone)
- Record receipt (CRM)
2. Initial Assessment
2.1 Calliopée's Managing partner determines how complaint is to be managed and by whom
- Check notes, speak with staff
- Provide explanation/apology (always by Email, CRM or letter)
- Check whether the person making the complaint considers the complaint resolved (always
by Email, CRM or letter)
- Document (CRM)
2.2 If the complaint is considered to be resolved:
- Calliopée records it in the continuous improvement process
3. Formal Complaints Resolution (if step 2 is not sufficient)
3.1 Calliopée's Managing partner proceeds to the following steps:
- Consider safety issues and whether report to external agency is required
- Provide details of complaint to relevant staff
- Advise parties as to what they can expect from the complaint process (always by Email,
CRM or letter)
- Gather relevant information (eg, research, documentation, witness statements, consider
any legal implications)
- Determine resolution response in consultation with parties (eg, formal meeting, mediation,
- Discuss outcomes with parties to determine wheter it is still possible/reasonable to resolve
the complaint
3.2 If the complaint is considered to be resolved
- Calliopée records it in the continuous improvement process
3.3 If the complaint is not considered to be resolved
- Provide information about external complaints handling entities
- Record in the continuous improvement process
Our commitment to our customers:
- Managing partners and staff will receive and manage complaints respectfully
- People who make a complaint will not be disadvantaged because they make the complaint
- Information about the complaint process is widely published and accessible to service
- Our team members know about the complaint system and understand how to respond to
- Complaints are only accepted from people with the autority to make the complaint
- A register of complaint is kept
- Complains are properly documented
- The complains system links in with the quality improvement system
- The complaint resolution system is to be followed consistently and fairly at all times
- The complaint resolution system is tiered, with complaints resolved at the lowest level
possible, depending on the individual circumstances of the complaint
- Commitments made to resolve a complaint are recorded and met
- All complaints are dealt with impartially and fairly
- Information provided by parties to the complaint is fairly represented
- Staff involved in a complaint must declare any conflict of interest
- The complaint process is transparent
- Personal information gathered during the complaints resolution process is confidential
Your Calliopée Team and Managing partners
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